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Phone (cell) 617-501-1303138 Haupt AveCompany Dreamshadow® Group, Inc.Comments (office) He has had trouble with AHP for over 4 years, so I gave him 4 years free membership. RM, 9/11/2020. Sent email reminding them to re-join through ATP. RM, 9/16/2024. Originated with ATP 10/1/24.Website and www.breathwork.com25224 Irenic Ave.Comments (office) Welcomed on 6/29/20. Carl tried setting up JHP in print back on March 15th and 16th but the payments didn't go through. Contact Carl to follow up about the JHP in print and if we can help. Updated AHP subscription date to match Paypal subscription date. 05-07-2022 RM and JR. Sent email asking about if they need help with adding on JHP in print, 05-10-2022 JR.Phone (cell) (801) 703-71341342 S Clay StreetPhone (cell) (512) 994-84332007 Bert AvenueComments (office) Lia's account was updated with the proper membership level and credit card information, 9-22-21 JR. Called Lia to say 'Hi' and talk to her about her membership with AHP. Left message on her answering machine, 9-24-21 JR. Cancelled the subscription and extra Paypal subscription and left the Paypal subscription that charged on the 22nd of every month, 12-4-2021 JR.290 Pond RoadComments (office) PayPal payer is Joe Wysong. Sent welcome email. 8/10/2020. Adjusted payment date to be 12-10-2021. Emails were coming in saying that the membership had expired even though the payments were still going through. Thought that it was a problem with the date being off, 11-27-21 JR.Biographical Info Born and raised.Phone (cell) 302-983-77959550 Savannah Ridge Dr.Unit 27Company Deep Dimension Inc.Comments (office) Jon's membership was not automatically updating even though he was paying. Bob called Jon and left a message letting him know about the situation and to delete old membership and resubscribe and hopefully that will resolve the issue. 09-28-2022 RM & JR. Noticed Jon had a duplicate payment for monthly membership. Cancelled one recurring payment. 01-11-2023 RM & JR.Website www.deepdimension.com1200 Broad St Ste 204Old account number 123697Phone (cell) (702) 370-14666731 DeLeon St.Comments (office) Attempted calls to get Suzanne switched to the new system. The "home" number does not appear to be in service. Called the "cell" number and got her VM. Left a VM letting her know to switch to the new system and to watch out for an email from me. Sent email with instructions. -AW 12/15/2020. Sent #1 Member Transition Email 01-12-2022 JR. Sent #2 Member Transition Email 02-18-2022 JR. There was no number in the Cell number field. Called the number in the Home phone field (702) 370-1466. Got an answering maching and left a message, 03-11-2022 JR. PayPal charged her for a Student Membership on 12/25/23, but there was no membership like that on her record. So I added it manually, but I suspect it won't be connected with the PayPal payment when that comes in next year. 12/28/2023, RM. Received email from Suzanne on 01-09-2024 asking about the Student Annual membership. Replied to confirm membership status and offered to help update the membership to Individual Annual 01-13-2024 JR. Refunded the Student membership fee and cancelled automatic payments. Informed Suzanne of the refund and cancellation. Suzanne will update he membership to an Individual membership. Cancelled and removed Student membership from the AHP account. 01-18-2024 JR.Old account number 133966Biographical Info Selene Kumin Vega, Ph.D. is a licensed psychotherapist (CA MFC #32604), workshop leader, and core faculty in Saybrook University’s Mind-Body Medicine graduate program in the College of Integrative Medicine and Health Sciences. Her work with movement and experiential modalities evolved over 50 years of facilitating self-exploration, connection, and transformation. Her teaching includes the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology (Sofia University), Bastyr, and Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health. She has published chapters on psychospiritual approaches to anxiety and movement practices in psychotherapy, and journal articles on ritual and creative consciousness. She was editor of the Spiritual Emergence Network Newsletter, and co-authored The Sevenfold Journey (Crossing Press, 1993), now in six languages.Phone (cell) (831) 234-7823200 Woodlander PlCompany SpiritmovingComments (office) Sent #1 Member Transition Email, 05-11-2022 JR. Sent #2 Member Transition Email, 06-10-2022 JR. Selene contacted AHP because her membership was not updating after payments were made. Emailed Selene about transitioning to the updated website. 06-13-2022 JR. Called and emailed Selene to let her know that the issue with AHP's website had been resolved and she won't get a warning next time she goes to complete her membership payment. 07-08-2022 JR. She emailed AHP about her membership. She wanted an annual membership, but the payment did not go through. A monthly membership was active on her account. I replied to the email about refunding the monthly payments and for her to attempt to sign up for an annual membership again, 11-02-2022 JR. Selene set up an annual membership. I cancelled the monthly membership and refunded the payments, per Selene's request, 11-03-2022 JR. Deleted monthly membership, 11-11-2022 JR.Old account number 122128Website http://www.spiritmoving.comPhone (cell) (415) 454-351621 Buena Vista AveComments (office) Sent #1 Member Transition Email, 03-17-2022 JR. Sent #2 Member Transition Email, 04-01-2022 JR. Called and left message 06-10-2022 JR. She paid again through PayPal but still hasn't transitioned, so we did not update her membership on ATP. RM, 12/14/2022.Old account number 123880Phone (cell) (617) 780-8644127 Wheeler RoadWebsite http://www.alchemyww.comPhone (cell) (196) 277-560231A Main RoadComments (office) Sent email about eliminating 2 unnecessary PayPal subscriptions. 7/3/2020. Sent another email about the same thing. 8/15/2020. Met on Zoom. Changed email from Cancelled & refunded annual PayPal $184 subscription. Cancelled both his PayPal subscriptions so he doesn't get charged twice, and now he can set up new arrangements for him and his wife. 11/24/2020. We think his wife is Tessa Sharp, and that he has not yet set up his payments for his account. Her payments seem to be going through well, except possibly for our computer problems that Sohiel may not have yet fixed. Bob, 9/1/2021.Website http://peterbrigham.comBiographical Info Born in Vermont, living in Denmark since 1982, advanced post graduate degree in psychology from University of Aarhus, DK, licensed psychologist since 2006.Phone (cell) 60950121Akkerupvej 14Comments (office) Sent email encouraging him to upgrade. Sent follow-up email when I saw he already paid via the old PayPal system. 8/6/2020. He joined officially on 8/26/2020. Extended his membership for 1 year because the web site wasn't working well. 9/9/2020. Sent Payment did not go through email 08-31-2022 JR. Peter replied to the email about the payment not going through and needed to reset the password. Sent email with links to reset password 09-05-2022 JR. He subscribed to Joint Annual on 9/7, then unsubscribed in error on 9/8. Bob re-subscribed him on 9/8 and sent a long explanation letter. Hopefully the web site and Stripe will sync up correctly next year on his renewal date. 09-08-2022, RM.International address Akkerupvej 14 5683, Haarby DKOld account number 135845Website peterbrigham.comPhone (cell) (202) 368-6598Old account number 136059Biographical Info Dr. Laurent is a Lifetime Professional Member of AHP. He’s been a licensed psychologist for over 30 years and retired as a professor and department chair after 40 years of service with California State Universities. His emphasis now is helping heal and transform the City of New Orleans from its current experience with violence. His extensive experience in couples therapy and African American Psychology has also led to his creation of Although he promised to rest as part of his retirement, his time now will be mostly be spent as an author, consultant, public speaker, and podcast host. His dedication to Humanistic Psychology is strong, which started with his enrolling in one of Dr. Leo Buscaglia's "Love Class" at the University of Southern California in the 1970's. Since then, he has fought against all forms of oppression and for equality, inclusion, acceptance, and love. Dr. Joseph White was also a mentor to Dr. Laurent. Dr. White was very supportive in Dr. Laurent's creation of counseling/support groups for African American men. Books coming out soon by Dr. Laurent will be "The Married Couples Club," "Brother Talk: Black Men in Counseling Groups," and "Making America Humanistic Again: How to Get Americans To Move from Hate to Love."Phone (cell) (310) 779-2368201 St. Charles AvenueSte. 114-276Phone (home) 3107792368Company Black Couples Lives MatterComments (office) Moved from P.O. Box 5381, Carson, CA 90749. RM, 8/26/2022.Old account number 129372Website BlackCouplesLivesMatter.com1306 Canyon View DrOld account number 81916Phone (cell) 9443711468b Pemberton AveGlenfieldComments (office) His Joint Membership PayPal payment went through on 1/21/2022, but it's not connected to this web site. Sent #1 Member Transition email, 01-26-2022 JR. Sent email encouraging him to follow Jameson's instructions and transition to the new web site. Also renewed his ATP membership for the year. Bob, 1/26/2022. Sent #2 Member Transition email, 02-18-2022 JR.Old account number 136093Biographical Info Judith Gold was born in New York City and is a graduate of Cornell University, Antioch New England Graduate School, and the Core Energetics Institute. She is an MA psychologist who has worked on three continents and in four languages as a psychotherapist, social worker, and group leader. She has led more than 50 workshops and retreats in the USA, Europe and Brazil. She is a member of the European Psychotherapy Association, the European Body Psychotherapy Association and the Organization of Portuguese Psychologists. She is a new member of the Gambian Think Tank and is a Board member of America’s Association for Humanistic Psychology. She currently lives in Europe.Phone (cell) (162) 437-5196Friedrich-Ebert-Anlage 36Old account number 135634Biographical Info I manage the Intensive Journal program, a program for personal and professional growth created by Ira.Progoff, PhD (my father) - a founding member of AHP. We offer workshops mostly online to experience the method.Phone (cell) 3309986000799 Broadway Ste 519Phone (home) 3309986000Company Dialogue House AssociatesOld account number 128195Website www.intensivejournal.orgBiographical Info Private practice since 200030445 Northwestern HighwaySuite 330248-538-5045Old account number 135324Website None