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Phone (cell) 650-339-2455Biographical Info I am currently in dissertation recruitment to complete a doctoral degree in psychology with a clinical psychology specialization. I am a Florida State Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern (IMH21354). I recently celebrated one year of solo practice at Honor Your Way Therapy in St. Petersburg.Company Embodied Therapeutic Services, LLCWebsite honoryourwaytherapy.comPhone (cell) 248-930-5652Phone (home) 248-930-5652Biographical Info Gestalt PsychotherapistPhone (cell) 07785 183213Comments (office) Originated with AHPb, 11/13/23. Sent welcome email 11-18-2023 JR.International address 3 Station Road Withyham Hartfield East Sussex TN7 4BP UKWebsite Info Although not my first exposure to Carl Rogers’ person-centered principles (that was actually as a child, through the work of television host and educator Fred Rogers in the mid-1990s and early 2000s), my interest in the person-centered approach as a way of therapy and life was piqued and solidified during an undergraduate course on personality theories. For me, the person-centered approach represents the filling of a multitude of voids as well as a gentler, yet also fiercer, stance on life. I view striving for person-centeredness as a rebellious act. It is about sitting with uncertainty and standing counter-to–pushing back against inauthenticity; control and power imbalances, and communication shortfalls; and providing space for self-determination of individuals at all levels of society–as well as continually revisiting and reaffirming what it means and looks like to be authentic and to put forth into the world authenticity, empathy, and unconditional positive regard. The person-centered approach represents to me what was in Carl Rogers’ words a process-based “good life” of meaning-seeking-and-finding and what was, implicitly if not explicitly to Fred Rogers, a lifetime’s work worth the effort. For me it is not just a grappling to further understand myself, but to understand, affirm, and support the lives of others, as well. With a master’s degree in psychology behind me and a master’s of social work candidacy that began in August of 2022, I am focused on my studies with the eventual goal of providing person-centered therapy to neurodivergent individuals, traumatized survivors of natural disasters, and teens. My interest in working with these populations stems from my background as a multiply-neurodivergent autistic individual with ADHD; lifelong passion for weather and work in the meteorological realm; and mentoring experiences I had in high school and have provided in the context of summer camp programs.Phone (cell) 3525405153Website (cell) 210-386-4397Comments (office) Sent welcome email 09-16-2023 JR.Website www.essentialwisdomcoaching.comBiographical Info I am an MSW with almost 20 years of experience. I have provided therapy to multiple populations. You can look at my Linkedin profile for more information.Phone (home) 6026868478Company Gossett Consulting, PLLCComments (office) Sent welcome email 09-09-2023 JR.Website (home) 3035985251Comments (office) Sent welcome email 07-08-2023 JR.Phone (cell) 7706543056Phone (home) 7706543056Company Ashburn Psychological and Psychiatric ServicesComments (office) Sent welcome email 07-08-2023 JR.Biographical Info Nurse since 30 years in mentale health and psychothérapeute.Phone (cell) 8193252726Phone (home) 18193252726Company Soins Spécialisés et PsychothérapeuteComments (office) Sent welcome email 06-21-2023 JR.International address 591 ch St-JeanWebsite http://www.artofgrieving.usBiographical Info Sheila K. Collins, PhD knows grief, having lost her son to AIDS and daughter to breast cancer, which she chronicled in her award-winning memoir, Warrior Mother: Fierce Love, Unbearable Loss and the Rituals that Heal, published by She Writes Press in 2013. Since then, she has became a grief advocate, having learned many, magical ways grief can transform our hearts, minds and souls. Sheila's 40-year career as a licensed therapist, social worker and dancer has seen her guiding thousands of people through the tough challenges life handed them –inspiring them to turn grief into gift. She's also delighted audiences worldwide with demonstrations about how art-based expressions, such as dance, storytelling, song and music, can help anyone turn life’s toughest challenges into growth. Her first book, revised in 2018 for a second edition, Stillpoint: A Self-Care Playbook for Caregivers to Find Ease, and Time to Breathe and Reclaim Joy, and co-authored with Christine Gautreaux, has become the basis of popular online course for family caregivers, school nurses, social activists and social workers. Her 2016 TEDx talk, When Death Threatens Someone We Love, Life Really Matters, offers a poignant perspective for anyone facing life-threatening illness and death. Sheila currently directs the Wing & A Prayer Pittsburgh Players, an InterPlay-based improvisational troupe, that helps individuals and organizations to tell their stories in transforming ways and to accomplish their noble purposes, Sheila and her partner of 43 years, organizational psychologist Richard Citrin, live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.Phone (cell) 817 706-4967Comments (office) Sent welcome email, 03-14-2023 JR.Website https://sheilakcollins.comPhone (cell) 650-430-1364Comments (office) Sent welcome email, 03-01-2023 JR.Phone (cell) 2484836220Phone (home) 2484836220Comments (office) Sent welcome email, 03-01-2023 JR. Got an email saying the membership had expired. Checked the payments and the automatic payment on Stripe when through. But, no order shows on the AHP member information and the membership was not automatically renewed. Informed Bob of the issue, 11-4-2023 JR.Biographical Info I'm a 50 yr ol mature student on a dgreee course following person-centred therapy. A full time wheelchair user.Phone (cell) 07939290490Phone (home) 07939290490Comments (office) Sent welcome email, 03-01-2023 JR. Got an email saying the membership expired. The payment on Stripe went through, but the membership did not automatically update and no order shows on the member information. Informed Bob of the issue, 11-4-2023 JR.International address 6 Dastons CloseBiographical Info I GRADUATE in 2006 İstanbul University Psychology department, in 2008 Doğuş University Clinical Psychology Master Degree and, in 2021 Doğuş University Clinical Psychology PhD program. working as Psychotherapist and in Gedik UniversityPhone (cell) +90 505 494 52 00Company THERAPIA GARDEN PSYCHOLOGYComments (office) Sent payment did not go through email, 02-28-2023 JR. Joined as joint member, 4/18/2023 RM.International address esenşehir mahallesi barajyolu caddesi No:17 ağaoğlu eltes güneşi sitesi A1 blok Daire 5, Ümraniye İSTANBULBiographical Info Antonio M Santos, Ph.D., MSCP California Licensed Clinical Psychologist. License # 19989 - Brazilian-American Date of birth: 29/05/1952Phone (cell) (858) 308-2209Phone (home) 8583082209Company LifeStance Health/Center for Studies of the PersonComments (office) Sent welcome email 01-11-2023 JR.Website Info geboren am 27. November 1958. Studium der Freien Kunst bei Tarek Marestani und an der Freien Akademie Hamburg. Seit 1983 als freiberuflicher Künstler tätig. Berufsbegleitendes Studium der Kunsttherapie. Seit 2024 Vorsitzender von Prosozial e.V., Leiter der Gesprächspraxis für Psychotherapie nach dem Heilpraktikergesetz in Nienhagen bei Celle. Von 1991 bis 2002 war er Landesvorsitzender der IG-Medien-Fachgruppe Bildende Kunst (seit 2001 Vereinte Dienstleistungsgewerkschaft) im Landesbezirk Niedersachsen-Bremen und Mitglied des Landesbezirksvorstandes der IG Medien. Seit 2018 Vorstand des ASCOL-Colleges. Seit 1995 ist er Mitglied der Hochschule für Geisteswissenschaft am Goetheanum in Dornach, Schweiz. Seit 2014 Vorsitzender der Allgemeinen Gesellschaft Anthroposophischer Heilpraktikerinnen und Heilpraktiker (AGAHP) e. V., seit 2018 ist er Präsident der International Society of Anthroposophic Naturopathy ISAN mit Sitz in Dornach, Schweiz. Als Grafiker entstanden zahlreiche Serien zur Literatur, unter anderem zu Heinrich Heine, William Shakespeare, Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Henrik Ibsen, Muhammad Iqbal und den Erzählungen von Naguib Mahfuz. In seiner Malerei gilt er als Vertreter der Konkreten Kunst.Phone (cell) +49 162 4043615Company GesprächspraxisComments (office) Sent welcome email 01-11-2023 JR.International address Waldweg 11 29336 NienhagenWebsite (cell) 4144779887Company Counseling at Sacred WanderingComments (office) Sent welcome email, 12-13-2022 JR.Website