Awareness in itself is curative.
— Fritz Perls
online interactive zoom workshop What’s it like being you? [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] Everyone’s inner world is unique, but we rarely take time to appreciate the unrivaled contributions each person is able to share with the world because of their unique perspectives. This workshop helps you explore your own inner emotional landscape and discover how it differs from the inner world experienced by others. Presented by Robert McGarey, M.A.
online interactive zoom workshop Video Explorations & Personal Growth [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] On the first three Saturday nights of most months, you’ll find us watching a popular movie together via Zoom in a fun, informal atmosphere. Then we have a discussion. We don’t discuss the movie, though; we discuss personal growth issues and themes that came up in the movie. So we’re not doing a “Siskel and Ebert” type of review, but rather an in-depth personal growth process that helps us get to know ourselves and each other better. During the discussion we learn and
PCA FORUM 2024 – Tangier -MOROCCO Dear friends and colleagues, The Moroccan Institute for Relational Psychotherapy is very proud to announce the XVII PCA Forum, for the first time in a Berber, Arab, Muslim country! This professional meeting, which started 40 years ago through Carl R. Rogers, will be held this time in Tangier, 7-12 May 2024. A PCA Forum offers us an encounter place for exchanging our experiences. A space for professional training and human development based on person centered values. It is a true privilege for Morocco to host this important international event for the first
July 16, 2023 online interactive zoom workshop Well-Lived Life Book Club Come discuss the wildly-popular new book by the Mother of Holistic Medicine. Explore how you can implement her Six Secrets in your own life. Discover the wisdom she has garnered from her 102 years of living (so far)! Free. To attend, visit The Human Potential
online interactive zoom workshop Video Explorations & Personal Growth [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] On the first three Saturday nights of most months, you’ll find us watching a popular movie together via Zoom in a fun, informal atmosphere. Then we have a discussion. We don’t discuss the movie, though; we discuss personal growth issues and themes that came up in the movie. So we’re not doing a “Siskel and Ebert” type of review, but rather an in-depth personal growth process that helps us get to know ourselves and each other better. During the discussion we learn and
online interactive zoom workshop Video Explorations & Personal Growth [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] On the first three Saturday nights of most months, you’ll find us watching a popular movie together via Zoom in a fun, informal atmosphere. Then we have a discussion. We don’t discuss the movie, though; we discuss personal growth issues and themes that came up in the movie. So we’re not doing a “Siskel and Ebert” type of review, but rather an in-depth personal growth process that helps us get to know ourselves and each other better. During the discussion we learn and
online interactive zoom workshop Video Explorations & Personal Growth [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] On the first three Saturday nights of most months, you’ll find us watching a popular movie together via Zoom in a fun, informal atmosphere. Then we have a discussion. We don’t discuss the movie, though; we discuss personal growth issues and themes that came up in the movie. So we’re not doing a “Siskel and Ebert” type of review, but rather an in-depth personal growth process that helps us get to know ourselves and each other better. During the discussion we learn and
online interactive zoom workshop Video Explorations & Personal Growth [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] On the first three Saturday nights of most months, you’ll find us watching a popular movie together via Zoom in a fun, informal atmosphere. Then we have a discussion. We don’t discuss the movie, though; we discuss personal growth issues and themes that came up in the movie. So we’re not doing a “Siskel and Ebert” type of review, but rather an in-depth personal growth process that helps us get to know ourselves and each other better. During the discussion we learn and
April 13, 2023 online interactive zoom workshop Rewriting Your Family Rules Every family has its own set of rules and standards that kids are expected to live up to. Some family rules are helpful guides for living, while others can squelch individuality and hamper the full expression of our talents. On Thursday, April 13th, AHP’s Executive Director, Robert McGarey, M.A., will present a new workshop that will help you identify the family rules you have been living by, decipher which rules are helpful and which are not, and then create new rules that free you to live a truly
online interactive zoom workshop Video Explorations & Personal Growth [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] On the first three Saturday nights of most months, you’ll find us watching a popular movie together via Zoom in a fun, informal atmosphere. Then we have a discussion. We don’t discuss the movie, though; we discuss personal growth issues and themes that came up in the movie. So we’re not doing a “Siskel and Ebert” type of review, but rather an in-depth personal growth process that helps us get to know ourselves and each other better. During the discussion we learn and
online interactive zoom workshop Video Explorations & Personal Growth [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] On the first three Saturday nights of most months, you’ll find us watching a popular movie together via Zoom in a fun, informal atmosphere. Then we have a discussion. We don’t discuss the movie, though; we discuss personal growth issues and themes that came up in the movie. So we’re not doing a “Siskel and Ebert” type of review, but rather an in-depth personal growth process that helps us get to know ourselves and each other better. During the discussion we learn and
February 23, 2023, 7 – 9 pm Central Time online interactive zoom workshop THE PANDORA DILEMMA Myths and fables hold powerful truths buried within them. Pandora’s Box is tantalizing, but we know we should never open it — or so we were told. Nonetheless, the myth of Pandora’s Box holds a profound secret. The Human Potential Center’s Executive Director, Robert McGarey, M.A. will help you uncover the real meaning of the myth, discover gifts that lie hidden within you, and learn how to gain access to those gifts in a safe, responsible way when he presents the “The Pandora Dilemma”