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AHP Is for everyone who wants to become more creative, loving, playful, and vibrantly alive. We explore what people are like when they are at their very best, and how we can each live that way more every day. Come join us!


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Latest Blog

Archetypal Energies and Global Mental Health
Archetypal Energies and Global Mental Health By Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson, Ph.D. Blog Article for 2024 Global Mental Health Conference, August 16-18   Evolving the Human Race Game: A Spiritual and Soul-Centered Perspective is an award-winning book that has profound implications for global mental health.  One reviewer observed: “This is not just another book about race relations.  It is about a quantum shift in our consciousness and understanding about who we are as souls” (Leland Baggett, Past President, NC Mental Health Association; Author, Waking Up Together).  Another reviewer noted: “(Dr. Ferguson) invites us not only to deepen our thought process

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Latest Event

The Human Potential Center

What’s It Like Being You?

online interactive zoom workshop What’s it like being you?  [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] Everyone’s inner world is unique, but we rarely take time to appreciate the unrivaled contributions each person is able to share with the world because of their unique perspectives. This workshop helps you explore your own inner emotional landscape and discover how it differs from the inner world experienced by others. Presented by Robert McGarey, M.A.
The Human Potential Center

Video Explorations & Personal Growth

online interactive zoom workshop Video Explorations & Personal Growth  [–> ONLINE INTERACTIVE ONLY. Just click <–] On the first three Saturday nights of most months, you’ll find us watching a popular movie together via Zoom in a fun, informal atmosphere. Then we have a discussion. We don’t discuss the movie, though; we discuss personal growth issues and themes that came up in the movie. So we’re not doing a “Siskel and Ebert” type of review, but rather an in-depth personal growth process that helps us get to know ourselves and each other better. During the discussion we learn and

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