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Owen, J., Leach, M. M., Wampold, B., & Rodolfa, E. (2011). Client and therapist variability in clients’ perceptions of their therapists’ multicultural competencies.Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 1-9. doi:10.1037/a0021496


Article Description: This study examined therapist differences in their clients’ ratings of their therapists’ multicultural competencies (MCCs) as well as tested whether therapists’ who were rated as exhibiting more MCCs also had clients who had better therapy outcomes.  Results demonstrated that therapists accounted for less than 1% of the variance in their clients’ Cross-Cultural Counseling Inventory–Revised (CCCI-R; T. D. LaFromboise, H. L. K. Coleman, & A. Hernandez, 1991) scores, suggesting that therapists did not differ in terms of how clients rated their MCCs. Therapists accounted for approximately 8.5% of the variance in therapy outcomes.

Additional Info

  • Author Owen LeachWampold Rodolfa
  • Date 2011
  • Keywords Diversity, Multicultural Competencies, Counselor Training
  • Journal Journal of Counseling Psychology