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Archetypal Energies and Global Mental Health


Archetypal Energies and Global Mental Health

By Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson, Ph.D.

Blog Article for 2024 Global Mental Health Conference, August 16-18


Evolving the Human Race Game: A Spiritual and Soul-Centered Perspective is an award-winning book that has profound implications for global mental health.  One reviewer observed: “This is not just another book about race relations.  It is about a quantum shift in our consciousness and understanding about who we are as souls” (Leland Baggett, Past President, NC Mental Health Association; Author, Waking Up Together).  Another reviewer noted: “(Dr. Ferguson) invites us not only to deepen our thought process but also our experience of what it means to be human, and an evolving human in an evolving world” (Linda Marks, Founder of The Institute for Emotional-Kinesthetic Psychotherapy; Author, Living with Vision).

The book discusses what are called Archetypal Energies.  In the book, 25 Archetypal Energies are identified.  Archetypal Energies are described as Higher Vibrational Energies that operate deep within our psyches, at both individual and collective levels.  We tend to experience them as “creative urges” to move us toward our optimal selves and optimal realities.  Each Archetypal Energy has its own transcendent value, purpose, and quality, and “voice” unique to the individual.  Easily recognized terms are used to evoke a common sense of these Archetypal Energies (e.g., Trust, Love, Acceptance, Harmony, Inclusion, Patience, Wisdom, Courage, Truth).  Quantum researchers, physicists, aura imaging researchers, resonance energy researchers, as well as this author’s own research, suggest that the vibrational frequency of these Higher Vibrations resonate at the highest levels of Hz.

By testing the response of the human body on a vibrating platform, many researchers have found the human whole-body fundamental resonant frequency to be about 5 Hz to 10 Hz.  However, the Trust frequency, for example, vibrates at a frequency of 396 Hz while the Truth frequency vibrates at a frequency of 741 Hz.  Research suggest that both frequencies contribute to empowering us with the ability to be truthful and develop our self-confidence.  Research also suggest that these high frequencies contribute to cleansing the body’s cells of electromagnetic radiation, infection, and toxin.

Three types of Archetypal Energies and their functions are discussed in the book, and it is these functions that have profound implications for global mental health.  Foundational Archetypal Energies (Trust; Enthusiasm; Humor; Beauty; Hope; Flexibility; and Courage), for example, help each person form or establish a personality structure, a foundation, which has qualities that allow the person to entertain the possibility of choosing to grow, to expand, to move higher, and to do so by choosing a path of growth with Joy.  Transformational Archetypal Energies (Love; Acceptance; Inclusion; and Harmony) focus on the “heart” of each person with respect to the changes in the foci and preferences of a person’s consciousness and the nature of various blending, transformations, transcendences and transmutations of a person’s energies as the person makes authentic contact with deeper parts of themselves and as people make authentic contact with one another.  Spiritually Integrative Archetypal Energies (Understanding; Truth; Wisdom; Patience; Inspiration; Abundance; Compassion; Peace; Joy; Clarity; Vision; Oneness; Unity; Serenity) help each person to mirror the integration of all aspects of themselves and become what might be called their authentic Truer Self.  To be one’s authentic Truer Self is to “be” and “act out” all or most of one’s deeper Archetypal Energies.

The natural flow of these Archetypal Energies would profoundly reshape how we “think” about our self and one another in our personal, societal, and global life spaces.  The book, therefore, discusses what blocks the natural flow of these Archetypal Energies, creating and co-creating unhealthy realities, and how we can evolve to co-create healthier realities. Additionally, the book explores how we are currently stuck playing three types of human race games that keep us stuck in unhealthy realities, and it suggests ways to evolve these games.  Implied, therefore, is that as a human species, we currently have a “thought problem” that requires adjustment, at both individual and collective levels.  In that light, the book does offer possible individual and collective ways that we can evolve our consciousness and move toward a healthier state of global mental health.


Note: As a keynote speaker at the Global Mental Health Conference 2024, held at Sophia University, Costa Mesa, CA, in-person and virtually, August 16-18, 2024, my topic was “Archetypal Energies As A Framework for Self-Empowerment and Well Being”. The theme of this 2024 global conference was: Enlightened Minds, Compassionate Hearts, and Embodied Wisdom. To supplement my keynote address, I wrote this blog article titled “Archetypal Energies and Global Mental Health”.

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