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A Humanistic Approach To Politics: AHP’s Call For An “Authentic” Politics Of Truth and Accountability


The purpose of this blog is to call attention to a recent article I wrote for AHP Perspective, titled “A Humanistic Approach To Politics:  AHP’s Call For An ‘Authentic’ Politics Of Truth And Accountability”.  The article was also presented on ScholarWorks (Psychology Faculty Publication Series). If you are reading this blog and click on the article, it is not accidental.  So please read it carefully and please share the article with all who are in your various networks—family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances, organizations, etc.  The article seeks to build on the legacy of John Vasconcellos (now deceased 2014), a former AHP President and a Californian politician for 38 years who very successfully practiced what he called a “politics of Trust”.

So, why is it so important now to introduce the notion of an “authentic politics of Truth and Accountability”?  As human beings on this tiny planet in the cosmos we call Earth, we live as ”citizens” in a variety of people-determined land demarcations that we call countries, each with its own unique version of politics.  Citizens in the United States and people in the world, therefore, are engaged in a variety of political dramas.  It is fair to say that in the United States and globally, the current political climate is very divisive. In the United States and globally, humanity is at an inflection point in the evolution of its consciousness at individual and collective levels.  Out of fear, some people are looking backward to an illusionary past and call themselves “conservatives” and some people are looking forward to a potentiated probable future and call themselves “progressives.”  This inflection point is mirrored in part via the “gaslighting” tactics used by many politicians to con people into giving away their power to them as they play their divisive political games.

Regardless of country, it is incumbent on all citizens to be critical thinkers and to base their choices of political leaders based on Truth (information based on verifiable facts).  Then citizens must hold political leaders accountable for their actions.  Critical thinking requires fact-checking and not simply relying on the “gaslighting” of a politician’s talking points and narratives.  It requires paying close attention to the net effects of what a politician does, and not simply dwelling on what they say.  Do their actions foster a climate of divisiveness and the erosion of human dignity and human rights, or do they foster a climate of human respect and seek to unleash positive and empowering human potential?  In my award-winning book, Evolving The Human Race Game: A Spiritual and Soul-Centered Perspective, what I call 25 Archetypal Energies are identified.  Archetypal Energies are defined as Higher Vibrational Energies that operate deep within our psyches which we experience as “creative urges” to help guide us toward our optimal selves and optimal realities.  Truth is one of those Archetypal Energies.  As a critical thinker, therefore, one might ask to what extend a politician is truly in touch with their Archetypal Energies, and to what extent do they “act out” their political dramas in accord with them or not.  At this inflection point for the evolution of human consciousness, it is important to make wise political choices individually and collectively.

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