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AHP Is for everyone who wants to become more creative, loving, playful, and vibrantly alive. We explore what people are like when they are at their very best, and how we can each live that way more every day. Come join us!


AHP’s Tribute To Dr. Stan Charnofsky
By Dr. Carroy (Cuf) Ferguson, Ph.D. AHP President   The Association for Humanistic Psychology (AHP) mourns the “transition” of a very dear soul, Dr. Stan Charnofsky.  And, while his transition is a tremendous loss to his family, friends, and colleagues, we also want to honor and celebrate a life well-lived.  As a former AHP president, Stan provided outstanding leadership.  Upon his passing, he also held the distinction of being the longest-serving AHP board member.  He was very much cherished and highly respected by all board members throughout his long, dedicated and remarkable service to AHP and its members. Stan was


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